Many cultures around the world are very familiar with the many benefits chess has to offer and look beyond the aspects of chess being just a game and look at chess as a subject to be studied. Chess has the ability to enhance the development of the mind and has the most benefits when played from an early age having long lasting benefits well into adulthood and beyond. The lessons learned from playing chess enhances the process of learning by providing a strong foundation of upon which future knowledge can stand on .
Faculties in the brain such as the hand eye coordination centres and the pattern recognition centres in the brain are all developed after a chess game. One of the most important benefits chess has to offer the world is the ability to change lives and provide opportunities for growth and development. Almost anyone in any occupational field is able to transfer the skills learned from chess and impart that wisdom into their own field of work.
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Does Chess Have The Ability To Boost Your IQ?

Aside from the entertainment value chess provides one of the most beneficial components to playing chess is its ability to boost your IQ both consciously and subconsciously. Through playing chess your able to develop multiple areas of the brain responsible for the systems that impact intelligence and the ability to learn such as the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for conscious thought and is utilised when performing complex tasks, making decisions and much more.
Having a prefrontal cortex that has been strengthened by regularly playing chess can impact many aspects of your life. It’s been shown through scientific research that there is a correlation between playing chess and the creation of brain dendrites. Brain dendrites are tree like structures in the brain that’s responsible for receiving and transmitting signals in the brain. Having a greater number of brain dendrites would be associated with being able to process and store greater amounts of information. It’s possible by playing chess to enhance the growth of these structures in the brain along with many other faculties in the brain for optimal brain health and performance.
The brain is the ultimate problem solver and often whilst fast asleep the brain continues to work. Whilst sleeping a plethora of chemical process are carried out in the brain such as the actual cleaning of the brain. However within the brain the mind attempts to solve the challenges of the previous day or the challenges most prevalent to the mind. Much like artificial intelligence is strengthened by playing chess the mind and its subconscious background functioning can be improved through chess.
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What Can You Learn From Playing Chess?

Many lessons can be learned from playing chess. Chess teaches the importance of implementing strategy to achieving goals and the disastrous effects of failing to do so. Not to mention the benefits of taking a big picture approach when in the face of any situation that poses a challenge. Chess being modelled after ancient warfare teaches many of the lessons one would learn on the battlefield without actually having to go to war. Skills such as calculation in chess can be transferred to the classroom and can positively effect results in subjects like maths and science in particular.
One of the main lesson to be learned from playing chess lies within the imperfect nature of the game itself. Seeing that there are more possible move variations in chess than there are atoms in the universe makes chess almost impossible to perfect. The best one can strive to be in chess is better making fewer and fewer mistakes making chess the ultimate tool for self-development and improvement. The parallels between real life and chess are ever apparent and the lessons that can be imparted from chess even more so. Playing chess teaches you that to strive for perfection is unrealistic and humanely unattainable and that by seeking to improve in chess and to become a more effective problem solver by striving to make fewer mistakes as opposed to attempting to gain perfection greater levels of success can be achieved over time.
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Is Chess A Game Of Intelligence Or Skill?

Chess is a game that requires neither skill or intelligence but has the ability to improve both of these areas whenever skill or intelligence may be needed. Although chess does not require intelligence to be played as chess can be taught to almost anyone regardless of ones IQ, the only limiting factor being ones ability to remember. The same is true for skill being skilled at chess is largely acquired through experience and or the speed at which patterns can be memorised in chess.
Being able to remember patterns in chess is one of the main factors that can determine one’s potential in chess. The best chess players tend to be the people that have spent the most time immersed in the game and so by having been exposed to such large quantities of chess games the result is that they are most familiar with the patterns found in the game. The most important lessons to be taken from chess lies not in the game but in the principles of the game. For example.
The rules of chess may have no significance to life and can bare little resemblance to the complexities of life however the underlying principles of chess that are needed to achieve mastery can be applied to almost any aspect of life.
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Does Being Good At Chess Mean Anything?

Being good at chess especially from an early age can have long lasting benefits that can protect your mental health well into old age. Playing well at chess is associated with winning more games and championship awards whilst this is great the most important benefit to being good at chess is the multitude of areas of life chess can improve. Chess players that have been exposed to the game over long periods of time naturally improve at chess and in turn are able to benefit from access to a larger number of brain dendrites responsible for sending and receiving signals to and from different brain dendrite cells.
The best chess players are able to visualise the chess board whilst playing the game with players like Magnus Carlsen being able to visualise multiple games at once. Its apparent from witnessing the abilities of some of the greatest chess players the possibilities that lie dormant within many. The development of areas of the mind like the occipital lobe which deals with visualisation and the development of the prefrontal cortex which deals with planning complex tasks and decision making by way of playing chess will benefit more than just ones chess games.
Having a strong mind is essential for success in any task that requires the mind. Being good at chess would put you at an advantage when solving almost any problem. After a challenging chess game the most mind taxing challenges pale in comparison and are solved with ease. Being able to find the best solutions to problems is essential regardless of where you may live or the occupation you currently have.
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The importance of chess is known worldwide with many countries in the past and present industrializing the game for implementation in school as a subject. Examples include the Soviet Union during the cold war and present day Armenia with their ruling on chess being a mandatory subject to be taught in schools. Even in Asia in countries like China the importance of chess is ever present and is heavily intertwined in the culture itself. Strategy is an important component to life and the most strategic individuals tend to find the most success in all areas of life. Chess can be a great tool for general self -development when played regularly being able to simultaneously develop various parts of the brain makes it a great as a past time activity.
The importance of chess continues to grow as time goes on as the availability of unhealthy distractions become more and more prevalent in society. Having a pastime such as chess that has both positive impacts on mental functioning but also emotional well-being continues to grow as each day goes by. Looking at chess as a subject to be studied should be a discussion held much more frequently and the positive implications of the shift to such a view point of chess a topic that has much to uncover.
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